Tag Archives: Siobhan O’Connor

Coconut Oil: What Is It Good For?

Absolutely everything! So claims Siobhan O’Connor, whose post for GOOD lists ten uses for this trendy oil. Call it a meaningful coincidence, but I find it fortuitous that, just days after my introduction to this oil,* an article about it shows up in my Google Reader. High five, universe!

Do you all use coconut oil? If so, what are your favorite applications? Beyond baking (which is my favorite application for anything, ever), I’m going to use coco-oil in my hair. Months ago, I suffered a massive Highlights Misfortune (and an immediate corrective color sess), and my locks were understandably fried. To this day, my ends are a lit’l brittle. Will coconut oil superhero the shit out of my tresses and allow me to forgo my almost-monthly trim? I’ll let you know!

Note: This post isn’t so much about food, I know, but I wanted to share this blip on my cocooil radar with you all, in case you were also wondering what the hell to do with this Miracle Product.


*And not even a real introduction, because I didn’t actually buy any. A partial introduction, maybe?