[W]underdog: Dinner of Champs

The bratwurst on a whole-wheat bun (with horseradish mustard) + a side of tots.

Underdog (1634 Irving St.) is one of 5,000 reasons that I love San Francisco. I maintain a pretty balanced diet, but I’m also a fan of sausage — andouille, hot dogs, chorizo — you name it. What I’m not a fan of is nitrates, preservatives, and mounds of extra sodium. Enter Underdog, the friendly alternative to mass-produced sausage. Everything served here is organic, right down to the buns, sides, and condiments. Sure, “organic” doesn’t translate to “health food,” but at least I can feel good about not ingesting tons of chemicals with my meat.

Post chocolate festival, Hook and I needed some real food — you know, something besides sugar + butter. I’d been craving sausage for the better part of a week and it was a perfect evening for a walk through the park, so we chose Underdog as our dinner destination.

Hook is glad to be eating something other than chocolate.

Hook ordered the Spicy Italian and a Hot Link. I got the Bratwurst and a side of tater tots (to share). My Brat was mild-flavored and super juicy; I would have preferred more spice, but, with a large squeeze of horseradish mustard, the sausage was just about perfect. The tots were amazing: reddish-golden and crisped to perfection. Just beautiful dunked in ketchup. Organic tater tots cooked to order? Yes, San Francisco, you are the City of My Dreams.

3 responses to “[W]underdog: Dinner of Champs

  1. Pingback: We all scream for fro-yo! | I Eat.

  2. What an all around incredibly written piece…

  3. Considerably well written read!

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